Q: What Is It?
Our solution
is a web-based, automated timekeeping
service that is suitable for businesses both
large and small. It was designed to offer
exceptional user ease through its online
administrative service and through the use
of "plug and play" hardware (hardware
optional) to collect employee punch data.
Employees can clock in/out through the
following (below)
record employees punches, depending on your
choice of collection device(s).:
Badge cards
(Personal Identification Number)
finger scan
hand geometry scan
badge card
key fob
Over the phone
Through a web/mobile browser
(Hardware sold separately. Please ask for
more information.)
Q: How
does it work?
The solution offers online
administrative accounts for managing employee
labor data by supervisors and payroll staff, and a variety of hardware options to collect and send the employee punches to
the Internet. Data can be sent in real
time or nightly, depending on the device
chosen, to report employee labor hours.
Q: Aside from basic
time tracking, what other features does your
timekeeping service provide?
In addition to a
variety of collection methods and
connectivity options, the system offers
numerous features and settings to
accommodate the needs of hundreds of
industries. For more information on
features, visit the
Key Features
Q: How long does it take to
get set up?
A: Getting your timekeeping account
up and running quickly is one of the things
we do best. Depending upon the collection
method you choose, the setup time can vary
slightly; however, our time clocks
were designed to be set up in a matter of minutes. Our
focus is to offer "plug and play"
Our clocks typically do not require much more
than a power outlet and phone/internet
connection. (Note: With certain
devices, the assistance of a
installation professional may be required.)
Q: How does the
service track job costing?
A: At the
time of clock IN/OUT the employee can be
prompted to enter the data needed for job
costing. For example, the clock can be
programmed to prompt the employee to enter a
job code, department, amount of sales, tips,
etc. Reports can then be run to filter by
employee, job code, department, etc. to
quantify and organize the data collected
from the employees throughout the day.
Q: What type of
reports do you have to offer?
A: We offer
a selection of reports to assist in your
labor management, each of
which may be altered, filtered, or sorted in
a variety ways to better accommodate
reporting needs. The following are some
examples of reports we offer:
- Summary Report
- Detail Report
- Single Day
Summary Report
- Daily E-mail
- Labor Code
- Work Month
Report (PPACA compliance)
Q: Does your
service support multiple departments with
multiple pay rates?
A: Yes.
Employees with multiple departments and
multiple pay rates are supported.
Q: Does your
service offer Rounding options?
A: Yes. We
offer a wide variety of "global" rules,
along with the ability to create custom
rounding scripts for clients who posses
special rounding schedules.
Q: How does your
system handle Overtime?
A: Standard
OT rules for individual states are
available. Custom scripting also enables us
to accommodate an assortment of additional
OT settings.
Q: Where can I see
this service in action?
To view a live account
we offer an interactive demo
account available through this website. View
See It In Action
section to view the demo, screen shots, and
other samples of our service. Our demo
account shows many of the system's features. Take a look at
the individual employee time cards. Each
card represents a different company and
account setup possibility.
Q: Is there a way to bulk import
employee data into our account?
A: Yes. Using a simple Excel
spreadsheet with labeled columns the
employee data may be imported into the
Q: Is there a limit to the number of
supervisors one client can have in the
A: No. Feel free to create as many
supervisors as needed.
Q: Can I restrict a supervisor from
seeing wages on the timecards?
A: Yes. When setting up a supervisor
login, the supervisor can be filtered to
view only assigned departments, locations or
employees. They can also be filtered to
either see wages or not, edit punches or
not, and add/edit employee data or not.
Q: Does your service notify the
supervisor of missed punches?
A: Yes. If an employee has a missing
punch, his/her name will appear in red in
the Employee List along with the number of
punches missing. We also offer a free Daily
E-mail Report, which provides activity for
the previous day and also displays missing
Q: Can employees view their time
A: Yes. Employees may view their
time card using an Internet browser. An
employee must have a web password to view
their timecard. Employees are not able to
edit their time card using their employee
login ID and password, but may be given
permission to edit their own time card
through a supervisor login ID and password.
Q: Can an employee clock IN at one
location and OUT at another location?
A: Yes. Employees can clock in and
out at each location and/or through any
collection device assigned to the account.
Q: Can an employee clock into more
that one "job code" during a shift?
A: By activating the "Out Punch
Completion" option, employees do not have to
clock OUT of one "job" and IN to the next.
They simply clock IN to each "job" after
completing the previous one. The system
will then automatically generate an OUT
punch for the previous "job." The only time
an employee will need to actually clock OUT
(using the 2 key) is at the end of their
Q: How do I send my timekeeping data
electronically for payroll processing?
A: In most cases, an electronic file can be
generated for payroll processing
rather than faxing or phoning in your data.
This process will save you significant time
and reduce human error risk in preparing
your data.