See It In Action: Live Demo Account
To find out how simple and practical our
solution is, we invite you to log into our
live online demo account. To log in, select
the "Supervisor Login" link in the top-right
section of this site and use the following
ID and password.
Login ID: glue
Password: demo
Before entering, keep in mind the following
points as they assist you in understanding
better our service:
A timekeeping account can be set up in
many different ways, based on industry
and company labor practices. The
demo account merely represents one or
more of many possible ways of gathering
and organizing the data.
Notice that each employee's time card
represents a different type of
company, such as a restaurant, and
as a result will display different types
of data, such as "tips." Some cards
display very simple, tracking simply in
and out times. Others or
more advanced, for tracking items such
as labor distribution.
Because this is a demo account
representing multiple companies and
scenarios, some reports may not display
a full range of company data.